I was there.
When your father died from a car accident.
When you were betrayed.
When you were away from your family for the first time.
I can still remember when you used to celebrate the holidays with so much thrill and excitement as you plan to be with your loved ones for a short vacation. It’s a precious time for you to relax and create beautiful memories with them.
But then, it’s not the same anymore.
Holidays scare you now. It depresses you. It traumatizes you.
You don’t want to go out and engage with people like before.
You spend hours and hours in social media beating yourself up for what’s missing in your life.
You even find yourself comparing your life with how the society dictates it should be. Why is everyone else happy while you are all alone?
You are pressured, depressed, and lonely.
I know. I understand.
I was there in your questions and doubts. I was there while the pain grew because you’re trying to carry all the baggage and weight from your past up to now.
You thought you can never be happy again and you see holidays as a curse. Hate and bitterness rule in your heart.
But then, you’re missing the point.
I know I make you feel like you have lost your self-worth.
I can leave you feeling isolated and unwanted.
I cut deep and bring intense scars.
Yet, understand that you go through different seasons in life and experience various feelings that are meant for you to just pass by.
You’re putting too much weight and attention on me when you are not supposed to, in the first place.
Why not start focusing on the good things and surround yourself with people you love?
Try to get involved in your community and do new and challenging things you’ve never done before.
Be kind to yourself. It’s going to take a leap of courage. But once you decide to take your step, you’ll see that holidays are still wonderful.
Bravely turn the next chapter of your life with confidence and an expectant heart.
It’s okay. You can feel me but you have to move on.