Hindi alam kung paano magsa-start this new year?




While for some a new year means a fresh start, but for you ang hirap talaga, eh.

Gets ka namin, Breaker.

After all the unexpected twists and turns last year, hindi madaling mag-post ng “Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!” or “New year, new me!” ‘di ba?

Pero. Pero. Pero.

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Sino-sino pa ba ang magtutulungan kung hindi tayo-tayo rin?


We don’t know kung ano ang pa-surprise ng 2021 sa atin pero we’ll help you na maging prepared and equipped.

Tutulungan ka namin mag-BreakThrough in life LIKE A BREAKER.


Siyempre! Hindi papahuli.

Oh siya, bago pa humaba ‘tong introduction. Check out this Breaker starter pack you need to use to BreakThrough 2021.

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Breaker must-have #1: Bible

Hep hep!

Breaker starter pack #1 pa lang magku-quit ka na. ‘Wag ganun. Faithful dapat tayo hanggang dulo. Naks!

Alam namin na kapag sinabing Bible, may interpretation ka na agad na “boring.”

Okay lang maging honest, Breaker.

But hear us out…

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Saan ka ba kukuha ng instruction and direction kung hindi sa Author ng buhay mo?

Sa totoo lang, hindi rin gusto ni God na naliligaw ka kaya nga binigay Niya sa ‘yo ‘yung Bible so you can live a life with PURPOSE.

Dito mo madi-discover na hindi puchu-puchu ang plano ni God sa ‘yo. He wants you to BreakThrough this 2021!

Pero paano mo pa malalaman kung hindi mo babasahin?

Ayiiiee! Magbabasa na ‘yan after this article.

Puwede ka mag-start sa isa sa mga 4 Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke or John then ituloy-tuloy mo lang.

Need mo pa ng guidance?

Message ka lang sa iCanBreakThrough Facebook page or Instagram account or email us.

Breaker must-have #2: Healthy coping mechanisms

Kumusta ka when it comes to handling stress last year?

Again, okay lang maging honest dito, Breaker.

This 2021, magandang reminder ito from Amy Morin, LCSW in her article Healthy Coping Skills for Uncomfortable Emotions from Verywell Mind, “Managing your stress well can help you feel better physically and psychologically and it can impact your ability to perform your best.”

Nasanay kasi tayo sa mga “quick fix” or “quick relief” (Ayaan! Ayaaan!) kapag stressed out tayo.

Pero ang ending?

Lalo lang lumaki ang problema mo dahil na-attach ka na sa maling tao.


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Kasama sa unhealthy coping skills ang pag-inom ng alcohol or pag-gamit ng drugs, overeating, sleeping too much, or overspending (Ehem, online shopping).

Eh ano naman ang healthy coping mechanisms?

Meron daw 2 main types of coping skills sabi ni Amy – problem-based coping and emotion-based coping.

Problem-based coping is “helpful when you need to change your situation, perhaps by removing a stressful thing from your life. For example, if you’re in an unhealthy relationship, your anxiety and sadness might be best resolved by ending the relationship (as opposed to soothing your emotions),” Amy said.

Hindi na kami nagsabi niyan, ah. Expert na.

Anyway, if you will use healthy problem-focused coping skills, ito ‘yung ilan sa mga puwede mong gawin, sabi ni Amy.

  • Mag-establish ng healthy boundaries.
  • Mag-ask ng support from a loved one or professional.
  • Manage your time better.

Kapag sinabi namang healthy emotion-focused coping skills…

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It “is helpful when you need to take care of your feelings when you either don’t want to change your situation or when circumstances are out of your control. For example, if you are grieving the loss of a loved one, it’d be important to take care of your feelings in a healthy way (since you can’t change the circumstance).”

If true nga that you have lost a loved one recently, virtual hugs to you, Breaker!

Please do not hesitate to text 0999-227-1927 or call 0931-805-0802 if you need someone to talk to.

Kung mas bet mo naman ang healthy emotion-focused coping skills. Here are some activities you can do.

  • Mag-pray
  • Mag-exercise
  • Magbasa ng book (Ehem, Bible)
  • Maglinis ng bahay
  • Even as simple as maligo or practice breathing exercises.


Ang key lang dito is to find out what healthy coping mechanism works best for you.

Shine-share namin ‘to because ang stress dadating at dadating ‘yan but how you handle it is what matters.

Nakita mo naman ‘yung impact kapag nag-rely ka sa “quick fix” ‘di ba?

Ehem. Labyu!

Breaker must-have #3: Connection

Huhugot sana kami kaya lang baka maumay ka na.


Pero seriously, mahirap mag-journey nang mag-isa.

Ganito na lang isipin mo…

Can you imagine first time mong mag-hike sa bundok pero ang catch is mag-isa ka lang?

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Nakakatakot! Baka nga hindi ka pa tumuloy, eh.

It’s dangerous and unsafe. You could be injured or attacked tapos walang tutulong sa ‘yo.

Pero kung connected ka with people who will guide you, support you, and encourage you sa pag-akyat mo ng bundok hanggat sa ma-reach mo ‘yung summit.

Ang sarap sa feeling nun!

Kahit mahirap you can endure and break through dahil kasama mo sila, kasama mo kami.

Yes, Breaker, if you are looking for connection na solid at tutulungan ka to break through in life, andito kami.

We can BreakThrough!

All you have to do is reach out to us sa 0999-227-1927 or call 0931-805-0802.

You can also message us sa iCanBreakThrough Facebook page or Instagram account or email us.

Ay wait, Breaker! Bago namin makalimutan, ang pinaka-importanteng connection na kailangan mo this year is…

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Your connection with Jesus.

Kumusta ang connection mo sa Kanya?

Feeling mo ba malabo na? Choppy? No signal?

Ito ba ‘yung reason bakit hindi ka comfortable magbasa ng Bible?

No judgement here, Breaker.

Napagdaanan din namin ‘yan and how did we BreakThrough?

Read here to know what Jesus did you for you.

Basahin mo hanggang dulo, ah.

© 2019 iCanBreakthrough. All Rights Reserved.